A new sail is a big investment, and we will work with you to ensure that you get the right fit and details to fit your needs. Our sails are made from the highest quality materials selected to fit your specific needs. Each project is custom and thoughtfully made to suit the specific sailor’s desires and needs.
What is our process?

All our sails are built from start to finish in house, by our thoughtful and meticulous sailmakers. If you are ready for a new sail or just want to start the conversation and get a quote, send us an email. From there we will assemble the details we need to get you the sail you want. A helpful question to start with is "what is your primary or intended use of your boat, and how does your new sail help that?" Answering this can help build our understanding of what kind of material to use, what the ideal shape might be, and what kind of finish might be appropriate.
We are a traditional loft in the sense that we trust the time tested, "brass tacks" process of building a sail. We do not build radial cut, laminated sails. Instead we have focused on the durability and performance of cross-cut and vertical cut sails made from top-grad woven materials. Each sail's shape and finish are carefully designed regardless of whether we are designing it using our computer generated design software, or laying it out on the floor on our hands and knees. There is no project too big or too small.
It's all in the details...

Once the shape and function of the sail is established, we can focus on the details. This is where we balance form and function to craft the ideal custom sail for your sailing needs and desires. Whether you be a “no frills” kind of sailor or a tradition enthusiast we take great care and pride in the finish details of our sails. If you are more of the former or on a strict budget, we are happy to provide a simple and clean finished sail, with rugged stainless pressed corner rings sized accordingly. As Grant always says, “no need to gild the lily”. If you tend toward the latter, we are equally capable and pleased to provide additional details such as hand sewn rings and external hand sewn bolt rope.

Get a quote
Send us some quick details about your project, including the square footage and desired finish and we will work to get you a number as soon as we are able